Pages & Co.
Book 1: The Book Wanderers
Recommended Ages: 8-11
“Stories enhance our lives; they shouldn’t replace them” (138).
Have you ever gotten lost in a book? What if it happened to you for real?
If you have a young bibliophile in your home, then this book series is sure to be a hit. I’ve just finished book one, so I will have to get back to you on the others in the series. This book mentions great classic and contemporary literary classics that readers will enjoy, especially if they are familiar with those story lines. The novels more central to the development or events in this book include Anne of Green Gables, Alice in Wonderland, A Little Princess, and Treasure Island.
As you can imagine, this is a fantasy novel and definitely deals with the idea or concept of magic. However, the magic is related more to the magic of reading and the connections readers made to stories. It is this deep magic that allows some people to wander in books. “In short, yes. We are talking about book magic. Bookwandering is, at its core, the magic of books and imagination pushed to its limit, and then tipped over a little bit farther...I’m afraid there aren’t any spells or magic words, and limited numbers of dragons and witches, but we are definitely dealing with magic” (143). Additionally, the power of stories, adventures, and friendship is sprinkled throughout this delightful story.
Matilda “Tilly” Pages lives at Pages and Co. with her grandparents who are her guardians. Tilly has never known her father and her mother “disappeared” not long after her birth. The family dynamics of this book are what create a significant portion of the storyline and the character Tilly. As readers discover, Tilly’s father was actually a fictional character from a book. The story simply describes it as Bea (Tilly’s mother) falling in love with the man and then when finding out she was pregnant, she returns to the real world to give birth to Tilly. This type of relationship certainly does not align with a biblical worldview, and it is explained to others in the book as “normal for their time period.” Additionally, Oskar, another central figure in the story, has divorced parents and spends time between London and France. Despite being divorced, his parents appear to be cordial, but Oskar does share his difficult experiences and feelings about the arrangement.
Tilly and Oskar are on a holiday from school, and it is during this time that Tilly discovers her ability to bookwander. Through a series of twists and turns, Tilly uncovers what really happened to her mother and is determined to save her.
While there is magic and an unusual family dynamic with a fictional father, the story does have positive messages for readers through the loving grandparents and Tilly’s struggle with friendship and uncovering the truth about her parents.
“I just think being brave comes more naturally to some people than others,” Tilly said.
“Often it’s the things that don’t come naturally to us that are most important,” Grandma said. (3)
“I’m not sure best friends are a one-size-fits-all sort of situation, Tilly,” Grandad said carefully. “Sometimes a person who becomes a friend is the least likely person you’d expect. Friends should bring out the best in you, not be the same as you. I’m sure you’re someone’s perfect fit.” (6)
“Books can change minds and change worlds, open doors and open minds, and plant seeds that can grow into magical or even terrifying things. Stories are things to be loved and respected at the same time; never underestimate the power of them. It’s why books are often casualties of censorship; those who ban or burn books are those who are scared of what can be found among their pages” (137).
“Our stories are how we will be remembered—so we’ve got to make sure they are worth telling” (279).
This novel is full of the wonders and joys of reading. Tilly is a relatable character that desires adventure and friendship. She ultimately discovers that it will not fall into your lap, but that you must seek it out.