Thank you for visiting my book reviews. This page is exclusively for book reviews that are a part of a series. It is easy for writers to gain your trust with a first or second of a book in a series; however, I have been burned more than once by a series I trusted at first that subtly and not so subtly insert material and ideologies that I did not want my readers dwelling on. It is my heart that through these book reviews you can prevent similar surprises happening to you. Simply choose the series from the selection below to read my reviews for available books within that series.
Falcon’s Quest
Recommended Ages: 8-14
Falcon’s Quest is a Trail Life Adventure Series written by Trail Life leader Mark T. Hancock and Bryan Davis a Christian fantasy author.
The Library of Ever
Recommended Ages: 9-12
A fantastic story for readers who love all things literary.
Journey to Impossible Places
Recommended Ages: 9-16 (I recommend 12+)
Christian authors Ted Deker and H.R. Hutzel write a compelling fantasy that requires characters to face and overcome their fears.
Kingdom Series
Recommended Ages: 9-12
Readers and families will enjoy this allegorical series full of fast paced adventure.
Path of the Ranger
Recommended Ages: 10+ (However, I recommend at least 13+)
The Path of the Ranger series is a YA fantasy series by Pedro Urvi, a Spanish author.
The Dark is Rising
Recommended Ages: 8-12
This is five book fantasy series inspired by the evil experienced by the author during WWII. Please make sure to review the details on each book before determining if it is right for your reader.
City Spies
Recommended Ages: 10-12
A magnificent mystery series for tween and teen readers.
I do not have a review of the following book series; however, I would stay away from them:
Wings of Fire Series by Tui T. Sutherland - LGBT relationships between a few dragons comes to fruition around book 13 in the series.
Legend Series by Marie Lu - LGBT relationship is hinted at in book two and has more development in book 3.
Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan - Full disclosure: I have not read ANY of the books in this series. However, I have heard from a fellow mom about a young reader who began to struggle with LGBT issues after reading this series. Due to the nature and difficulty of what transpired for that family, I felt it necessary to at least mention.