Lies I Taught in Medical School by Robert Lufkin, MD

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Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine is Making You Sicker and What You can do to Save Your Life by Robert Lufkin, MD is an enlightening read that I would highly recommend for anyone mildly interested in health and wellness.  Lufkin’s work touches on a lot of terms and information I have heard before from my various readings, but he presents it in a clear and succinct way to present a good foundation for further reading and exploration by readers.  Ultimately, Lufkin is calling for people to take responsibility for their own health and to be informed to do so.  The information he presents is broken up into twelve chapters.  I am going to simply share a few highlights of what I gleaned from some of those chapters.  Definitely, take the time to go and read the book yourself.  You will not be disappointed.  

Chapter 1: “I Did Everything Right and (Almost) Died Anyway”

  • Lufkin sets his credibility and authority for the topic at hand.  Not just his medical degree and experience professionally, but also the personal health challenges he experienced that caused him to begin questioning what he had not only learned, but what he has spent years teaching. 

Chapter 2: “The Metabolic Lie: ‘Metabolism Is Just the Body’s Way of Digesting Food’”

  • “Metabolism is the root cause for all major chronic disease” (31). 

  • TOR is stuck on in growth phase due to high carb diets. 

Chapter 3: “The Obesity Lie: ‘To Lose Weight, Just Exercise More and Eat Less’”

  • “You can't outrun a bad diet” (67). 

  • Fasting can be used to bring insulin resistance under control (69). 

  • “Even a low-carb diet can drive up insulin if you’re eating all the time.  Aspartame and Stevia raised insulin levels higher than table sugar (70).  

  • “High amounts of insulin make your cells less sensitive” (74). 

Chapter 4: “The Diabetes Lie: ‘Sugar is Harmless, Other than Causing Weight Gain and Tooth Decay’”

  • What you eat and when you eat drive insulin production (89). 

  • Frequent snacking keeps TOR active, fasting turns it off. 

  • We only need to consume 1tsp of sugar before we trigger an insulin response (95). 

  • Glycation damages tissues and organs (96). 

  • “Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness” (97). 

  • “Type 2 diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate toxicity and intolerance” (101). 

Chapter 5: “The Fatty Liver Lie: ‘There is No Treatment for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease’”

  • “Fatty liver is the most common liver disease in the Western World” and did not exist before 1980 (104). 

  • Fat in the liver drives inflammation, insulin resistance, and liver damage (105). 

Chapter 7: “The Cardiovascular Disease Lie: ‘Statins Are a Good Choice to Prevent Heart Disease’”

  • Heart disease kills at over twice the rate that strokes do (141). 

Chapter 8: “The Cancer Lie: ‘Most Cancer is Caused by Accumulated DNA Damage’”

  • Cancer has metabolic origins and Chemotherapy was developed from mustard gas. 

Chapter 9: “The Alzheimer’s Lie: ‘Alzheimer’s Disease Is a Progressive, Untreatable Disease Caused by Beta-Amyloid’”

  • Alzheimers shows up after 20 years of silent development.  

  • Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Ozone are associated with increased dementia risk (183). 

  • “70% of people with Type 2 Diabetes go on to develop Alzheimers” (184).

Chapter 12: “The Plan: Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Prevent and Reverse Diseases Conventional Medicine Causes”

  • “It’s challenging to fight sugar and processed food addiction.  It’s even more challenging to fight the obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s diseases that result from this addiction” (239).  

  • The best medical care cannot make up for poor diet and lifestyle (252). 

  • Increase your healthspan - the years of a healthy life (207).  

My page of highlights does not scratch the surface of the nuggets of gold that can be found in this book, especially for those who are seeking a healthier and better way to live.  I highly recommend this book be added to everyone’s “to read” list in 2025. 


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