Wingfeather Saga
The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson is not a book series for early elementary students to read on their own; however, it is a great series for a Family Read Aloud, which is why I have it listed here. Before the series became popular and an animated series with Angel Studios, I came across this series when I was looking for a new nightly read aloud. After that time, it has been the number one series that I gift families.
Janner, Leelee, and Tink are siblings and are doing their best to learn and grow from their mother and grandfather. However, before long, things are changing and the world and their place in it is not quite as simple as they once believed it was.
Some aspects of the story - particularly in book three and four could be a bit dark for some readers, so please use a little caution and review the books in more detail before jumping in. Unfortunately, it has been quite a while since I read each of these, so giving a detailed book review for each is not something I am able to do without rereading them.
Overall, my children and I loved the series. It is one we still talk about and one that they have reread on their own. We even have two cats named after two the characters in the book series.
Kalmar and LeeLee